Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Weekend Highlights

As we get closer to the wedding date, my thoughts and musings are becoming more abbreviated and fragmented. With preparation for the wedding and honeymoon, marriage planning, work, school, family, friends, and a host of other obligations competing for time and attention, my mind has become one incredibly complex web of interwoven to-do's and queues. One gigantic Excel spreadsheet of the synapses. Anyhow, I did manage to "indulge" in some fun and non-productive things this past weekend. Here's a brief synopsis. Friday night at the Hawaiian (and later Korean) bar on Geary with T and friends for a bachelorette celebration. A personal tour later that night of the Frakes' home in the quiet enclave of St. Francis Wood, guided in part by a doting Schnauzer terrier. Saturday morning enjoying the Cal game on our new Samsung HD-ready widescreen television. Saturday afternoon mountain biking on the Sawyer Camp Trail along the Crystal Springs reservoir with Wag Boy setting the pace. Sunday afternoon with Phil and Suze (after her long sabbatical in Europe) for a dimsum feast in Chinatown and a casual stroll to North Beach for coffee.