Friday, May 14, 2004

The Kim Home (Online)

After years of procrastination, it took some gentle "nudging" from T to finally plunk down the time and the money to buy a small plot of internet real estate and to begin construction on our new digital home. I spent the entire evening learning the absolute basics of web hosting and web design. Thankfully, nowadays, a PhD in HTML is no longer required to build a site.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Old Colleagues

Had lunch today on the plaza at Embarcadero Center with Ken and Ellie, both old colleagues of mine from a previous firm. Ken now works in compliance at Wells in a building just around the corner from me. Ellie just started in a new position at a boutique private equity firm down on Market Street. Much of the pasta lunch was devoted to Ellie raving about her new Italian boyfriend, me continuing to bitch about my work, and Ken just quietly nodding in agreement... not much has changed since our times spent just kicking it on the 16th floor. Ellie, raised part of her life in Rome, is always highly animated in conversation, arms flailing and eyes darting all around. Myself having been raised in the slow drawl state of Texas, I often find it a bit dizzying engaging in a one-to-one dialogue with her. Afterwards, the walk to and from the restaurant was another highlight of the day. Clear Spring days in the City are the best, especially when everyone floods out onto the streets during the lunch hour, the alleys of the financial district abuzz with a collective energy and excitement. I used to get a similar sense of community while working in Rockefeller Center during the warmer months in Manhattan. Thousands upon thousands would overtake the midtown Manhattan streets during lunch... each day being a ritualized block party.

Wells F(o)rgo

Work here on the desk is a bit slow at the moment so it was an ideal time to steal away a few minutes to make my first blog entry. Spring is afoot, and the desire to break from the winter shell both physically and mentally was overpowering. Indeed, the routine of work and business school bookended with long commutes between San Francisco and the Peninsula was deadening the entire right side of my brain. Time finally to reinvigorate those long dormant brain cells. Ruminations to follow shortly.