Friday, February 04, 2005

The Doctor is "In"...

Update: Wagboy advises only going to the link for the test if you have adequate virus software installed as there may be a virus attached to the site... Amusing. Ever wonder which Peanuts character you most exemplify? Here's a quick test (link here). Having actually played Schroeder, the antisocial pianist, in a grade school play, and also having worn a Charlie Brown outfit to a number of Halloween outings during my childhood, I was more than a little disappointed that my result was "Lucy". Great. They should really have a gender filter for the test. I still secretly strive to be more like Lucy's younger brother, Linus, the child-philosopher who steadfastly holds to his belief that the Great Pumpkin will come (a clear reference to the Christian faith) but remains prone to thumbsucking and carrying his security blanket (link to his own human nature). In the Christmas special, Linus was the only one that saw past the commercialism and secularism of Christmas, to the one true meaning of that day. Good stuff. Anyhow, guess Lucy will have to do for now. Could have been worse... e.g., "Peppermint Patty", "Marcy", "Pigpen", "Farmer Snoopy"... T and I really should revisit the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa (link here). We were actually there for the opening ceremony back in 2002.