Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Wells Fargo, For "Sail"

I have been working at Wells for several years now and for the most part, have appreciated the values and culture of the larger organization. No complaints really. The one thing that does slightly annoy me though is the persistent need to toss the trademark Wells Fargo stagecoach into every promotional opportunity possible. Every commercial, every piece of marketing material, every giveaway item, every piece of letterhead. Maybe I'm a bit sensitive. The actual stagecoach sits in the glass showcase of the Wells Fargo Museum directly across the street from me and it "greets" me more than four times daily on my way in and out of the building. In fact, come to think of it, I see it more often than my immediate family members. One of the first things you do as a new corporate hire is to take a photograph alongside the stagecoach in the museum. I half kiddingly asked the photographer if I could pose crouched in front of one of the wheels as if about to be run over. He was not amused. Well, appears I have yet another transportational nemesis to contend with. Our financial risk management group along with a handful of other wholesale banking units is sponsoring a fifty foot yacht, newly named Wells Fargo - American Pioneer, during the quadrennial one-man, transatlantic race from Plymouth, England to Boston, Mass. You can track the boat's progress here: If it wins the race, you can expect to see it in the commercials on a television or ATM machine near you. Thankfully for me, the museum has no room for both.